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How to overcome impostor syndrome as a property manager

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Businessman doubting if he can or cannot make it

Whether you're a newcomer to the property management industry or a seasoned professional, impostor syndrome can sneak up on anyone.

It's that nagging voice in your head telling you that you're not good enough, competent enough, or deserving of your success.

Property managers are the trusted advisors and asset managers of an economically and socially crucial but pressured sector in the property industry, and PayProp cares about your wellbeing. This Mental Health Awareness Month, we want to help you silence that inner critic and reclaim your confidence!

Challenge negative thoughts

The first step in overcoming impostor syndrome is to reframe your negative self-talk.

When you catch yourself thinking, "I can't do this," replace it with a more positive or constructive thought like, "I'll do my best." It’s all anyone can do!

Adding "and" or "but" to your negative thoughts is an easy way to do this, and can also make them more truthful and realistic. For example, "I can't do this" becomes "I can't do this, but I can  learn how.”

Also ask yourself why you believe you can't do something, and challenge those beliefs with evidence to the contrary. It may surprise you to find you're more capable than you think.

Continue learning

Feeling like you're behind the curve with the latest property management trends or technology? Education is a powerful ally in overcoming impostor syndrome.

Stay on top of industry trends, attend workshops, earn certifications, and embrace the latest tech tools as they roll out. As your knowledge and skill set grow, so will your confidence. Plus, each learning milestone becomes tangible evidence of your professional growth.

Seek support

You're not alone in how you're feeling. Connect with your fellow property managers, swap war stories, and learn from each other's experiences. Knowing that others can relate to your struggles can be comforting and empowering.

And if impostor syndrome is taking a significant toll on your performance or overall wellbeing, don't be scared to get help from a professional coach or therapist. They’ll be able to offer even more effective ways of conquering nagging feelings of self-doubt and anxiety.

Asking for help where self-help falls short is smart, not a sign of weakness.

Celebrate the wins

Last but not least, don't forget to celebrate the wins when you deserve it.

Whether you successfully smooth over a tenant issue, fill a vacant unit, or receive positive feedback from a client, take a moment to enjoy your victories, big or small. They aren’t flukes or undeserved – you made them happen and they're proof you've got what it takes.

Using and perfecting these tips, along with any other methods you employ, property managers can overcome impostor syndrome and unlock their full potential in the field.

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